The Impact of Social Media on Events Management
Cynthia Bernabe
Katerina Honasanb
Regina Marie Dysicoc
Jasmine Marguerite Kirkbrided
Martin Philip Azurine
aProfessor, College of Hospitality, Enderun Colleges; bStudent, Enderun Colleges; cStudent, Enderun Colleges, dStudent, Enderun Colleges; eStudent, Enderun Colleges
Social media, events, events management, marketing, behavior
Social media plays a vital role in businesses nowadays by being a tool for marketing their products or services. Living in an era where technology prevails, companies find the need to continually keep up with the changes and treat social media as a necessity when starting up a business. Events Management is continuously growing and is gaining ground as an industry. The correlation between social media and events management is a topic that should be talked about. This study is about the impacts of social media on events management and event marketing and its influence on the prospective attendee behaviors regarding attendance, opinions, sharing of event experiences, and gaining information about events.