David, Oliver, M. Matheda Sta. Maria, Karl Bryan, MBAb
aFaculty Member, Senior High School Department, Enderun Colleges, bGeneral Education Department, and Business Administration Department, Enderun Colleges
Drills, online education, online learning resources, skill development, mathematical skills
This study quantitatively investigated the effectiveness of the use of online learning resources against the use of traditional classroom drills in the development of the mathematical skills of the student-participants. Through the conventional pre-test and post-test assessments approach, the researchers were able to show that both methods are equally efficient in developing the skills of the learners. Though none of the methods stood out to be better than the other, the study has shown that online learning resources can substitute for the use of the said drills and lead the learners to attain the same learning outcomes.
Enderun Colleges Scholarly Review, Volume 3, Issue 1.