Mylene Olivaabc
Kyle Joseph Santosb
Dr Katherine Buenaflorb
Gerardo Romeo Baquiranb
Micaiah Angela Magallanesb
aEnderun Colleges, bAteneo de Manila University, cAcademic Director
Keywords: carbon stock, carbon pool, mangrove forests
This study aimed to compare the total carbon stock between natural and man-made forests in Kawit, Cavite. The aboveground carbon stock was estimated using an allometric equation, and the belowground carbon stock was estimated using the Loss-On-Ignition (LOI) method. A criteria and literature review were conducted to identify potential policies and practices for forest management. The findings of this study found that the aboveground carbon stock was significantly higher in the natural mangrove forests compared to the man-made mangrove forests. While the belowground carbon stock showed no difference between the mangrove forests. Overall, the results revealed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the total carbon stock between the natural and man-made forests, wherein the carbon stock of the natural mangrove forests was higher than the man-made mangrove forests. Based on these findings, suggested practices were focused on conservation and protection to preserve the natural mangrove forest due to its higher carbon stock yield. Strategies, namely carbon monetary valuations, payment for ecosystem services, strengthening protected area management, mangrove zonation and land-use, land-use change, and forestry were suggested based on the criteria and its relevance to the findings of this study. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the potential benefits and trade-offs of different forest management strategies, particularly about carbon storage, and can inform decision-making on future forest management policies and practices.