Research is one of the sustainability principles adopted by Enderun in its declaration of values. As an institution, it is one of the expected outcomes geared toward developing the students’ knowledge, skills, qualities, and competencies. Since research helps for the establishment of a more evidence-based, wide-array of ideas and empirical body of experience as a tool for learning acquisition and teaching guide, we are committed to continually produce quality papers in line with our research agenda.
This journal represents Enderun Colleges collaborative production on the development of reports and research on current issues. Among them is sustainability, which is a buzz word nowadays in the business world. A lot of entrepreneurs and companies are putting efforts to adhere to this endeavor, and the best way to do it is through an organizational capacity assessment. The paper entitled The Industry of Organic Farming in the Philippines: The Case of Organizational Capacity Assessment of Organic Farmers Associations in La Trinidad, Benguet which was investigated by Rodriguez, Salipsip, Lucero, and Salbino is an exemplary discovery of the present situation of our organic farming industry in the north. The paper tackles the capacity building needs of the associations, the challenges they are facing nowadays, and recommendations based on the study on how to possibly overcome barriers. One of the recommendations is enhancing social media presence to advertise products and reach more potential consumers.
Social media is a powerful tool in disseminating information, and this is what the paper entitled The Impact of Social Media on Events Management by Bernabe, Honasan, Dysico, Kirkbride, and Azurin is all about. The study shows that there is a significant impact of social media and its usage on events management and event marketing and its influence on the prospective attendee behaviors regarding attendance, opinions, and gaining information about events.
The study about community power on the other hand by Dela Cruz and Jimenez entitled Facets of Community Power in Two Philippine Localities analyzes and describes the character and social dimensions of community power. The paper aims to determine the social boundaries of power and powerlessness in the communities as well as the means of ordinary people to cope up with and resist powerlessness. It also elaborates the different avenues and processes along which ordinary people could exercise power in their everyday activities.
Water shortage in Metro Manila is timely discuss in the study that was undertaken by Maceda, Salipsip and Lucero entitled Effect of Water Crisis on Agriculture, Industry, and Households: Perspectives from the Sustainability Summit 2018. The paper discusses the cause and effect of water shortage that would primarily affect the agriculture, industry, and household sectors. The authors also determined the awareness of the looming water crisis and water utilization habit of surveyed participants. From thereon, causes, effects, and recommendation were formulated to understand the existing water shortage phenomena.
Data privacy is a growing concern all over the world; thus, the Philippines Data Privacy Act of 2012 has been enforced by the National Privacy Commission to all sectors of society. The study entitled Online User Behavior in Utilizing their Personal Data: A Perspective from the Data Privacy Summit 2018 by Formoso, King, Resurrection, Salipsip, and Yap discovered that 73% of the respondents still installed apps that could access their personal data through their mobile phones. It revealed too that the most willingly shared personal data online are names, photos, birthdate/ birthplace, gender, and civil status. Furthermore, half of the surveyed respondents showed that they do not bother to read the privacy policy before clicking the “I agree” button.
An insightful book review of Mr. Carlos Arnaldo is included in this journal discussing his point of view of Mr. Marco Gervasi’s book entitled East-Commerce, A Journey through China E-commerce and the Internet of Things. The article entitled E-Commerce: China’s social media quantum leap analyzed the timeliness of the content of the book as well some excluded information. He, therefore, concluded that China’s e-commerce is still in the throes of change and evolution.
It is with great pleasure to invite you to read the first issue of the Enderun Colleges Scholarly Review-Journal and learn new perspectives with our discoveries.
Dr. Demetrio P. Salipsip, Jr.
Research Director