Aileen Nanca, MBAa
Demetrio P. Salipsip, Jr., PhDb
Lydia King, PhDc
aFaculty, International Hotel and Management Department, Enderun Colleges; bResearch Director and Professor in the College of Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Economics, Enderun Colleges; cFaculty and Department Head in IT, College of Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Economics, Enderun Colleges
Philippine Tourism, travel experience, online booking, travel app, OTA (online travel agency)
Incorporating evolving technology into the Philippine hospitality industry may help improve the tourist experience, from arranging travel plans to discovering new destinations with a local perspective. But it may negate one of the advantages that the Philippines has over some other countries – the personal touch and interpersonal skills of the Filipinos. This study aims to determine the level of adoption of Filipinos of technology employed in the hospitality and tourism sector.
Enderun Colleges Scholarly Review, Volume 2, Issue 1.