Dittas Formosoa
Lydia King, Phd.b
Jonathan Ritchie Yapc
Stephen Resurrectiond
Demetrio Salipsip, Jr., Phd.e
abcdProfessor in the College of Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Economics, Enderun Colleges; eResearch Director and Professor in the College of Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Economics, Enderun Colleges
KEYWORDS: Data privacy, personal data, social media, online behavior, data security, Philippines Data Privacy of 2012
This study analyzed the participants’ behavior in utilizing social media and the internet. Results basically answered the following concerns in terms of most used application and the reasons for using social media; the most shared personal information on the internet and the most trusted institutions or agencies. It also surveyed on how many of the participants’ experienced data hacking and what is their social media utilization. It is concluded and recommended that proper education and orientation to avoid data misuse should be promoted to everyone for awareness.