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Digital technology is changing the world and everything in it is changing including that of education and the way work is done. The transformation in education and work into digital technology has been slowly happening but recently has been accelerated due to the COVID 19 pandemic. All schools were forced to quickly shift the delivery of education from on-campus to online, that is why Enderun Colleges is conducting a research entitled “Online Learning in the Time of Pandemic: the perspective of Learners and Parents”.
With the existing poor vaccination program and the news that COVID 19 is mutating, the expectation that the pandemic will only take a short period may be false and the probability of a continuing lockdown in various forms is becoming high which means that online learning may be with us for some time thereby making it more important for us to know the perspective of learners and parents.
This research would enable us to understand how both parents and learners are adjusting to the shift online. We would like to know the insights of both learners and parents pertaining to academic capacity and instruction as well as determining the advantages and disadvantages of having online classes. This study would also try to determine the future academic setting based on the gathered data.
Your response will be handled with the utmost confidentiality. Raw results of the questionnaire will only be accessed by the research team only. Your participation is primarily voluntary without any compensation.